Praca na wysokości – BHP i wymagania
Praca na wysokości wiąże się z wieloma wyzwaniami i potencjalnymi zagrożeniami, szczególnie w takich branżach jak budownictwo czy energetyka. Aby ją wykonywać, konieczne jest podporządkowanie się zasadom bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy. Zastanawiałeś się, co właściwie oznacza „praca na wysokości”? Albo jakie przepisy regulują tego rodzaju zadania? Poniżej znajdziesz najważniejsze informacje na ten temat.
Hygienic and sanitary facilities at work - health and safety requirements
In the workplace, where a significant portion of our lives is spent, it is essential to ensure proper hygienic and sanitary conditions. This is not only a matter of comfort but, above all, the health and safety of employees. Hygienic and sanitary facilities play a key role here, meeting a range of requirements set out in health and safety regulations. From changing rooms, washrooms, to dining areas – each of these elements aims to create a work environment that supports the physical and mental well-being of employees. Let’s take a closer look at the specific requirements for these facilities and why proper equipment is so important.
Unintentional damage to property at work - what should you know?
Unintentional damage to property at work is a problem that both employees and employers can face. It often results from improper use of equipment or accidental mistakes. What are the consequences of such an incident? How does the law regulate liability for damage caused unintentionally? When can an employee avoid material liability? We take a closer look at this!
Water for Employees - Does the Employer Have to Provide It?
One of the significant issues related to the topic of health and wellbeing in the workplace is access to water for employees, and more precisely, whether the employer is obligated to provide water to their team. If so, what conditions must be met beforehand. We check what the regulations say about this. Find out for yourself!
Noise in the Workplace - What is the Acceptable Level?
Noise in the workplace is not just an auditory backdrop to daily duties, but also a factor that can have far-reaching consequences for our well-being and efficiency. How much can you endure at work without losing focus, and most importantly – health? We're checking the regulations and looking into the procedures. Necessary details can be found below.
Periodic Examinations During Work Hours and Days Off
Visiting an occupational health physician is mandatory for every employee. And not just before starting work, but also later – every few years or in certain situations. Since medical examinations are usually conducted during working hours, does one then deserve a day off? We checked it out!
Employee representative - who is he and what are his responsibilities?
The employer must consult with his subordinates in advance on some decisions. If there are no trade unions in a given company, then an employee representative is elected. Find out who can become him, on what terms he is elected and - above all - what are his duties. You will find the answers in our article!
Who is responsible for the state of health and safety at the workplace?
Every company puts safety in the workplace first, this is an unquestionable priority. The state of OSH must be taken care of already at the stage of construction of a given plant or adaptation of premises, at the stage of organization of workplaces and completion of technical equipment. We have prepared a comprehensive guide, from which you will learn not only who is responsible for the state of OSH at the workplace, but also who monitors this later on a regular basis. We encourage you to read it!
Equivalent for washing of work clothes
Water, sewage, electricity, powders, liquids, stain removers, the type of dirt - all these affect the equivalent amount for washing work clothes. Do you want to learn more about this topic? Learn about the payment rules and possible exceptions? You've come to the right place! Below you will find the answers you need!
Fines for non-compliance with health and safety for employees
Occupational health and safety regulations apply not only to employers, but also to employees. They are imposed not by accident - they are intended to reduce the number of accidents in the workplace and occupational diseases. However, what if an employee does not comply with them? What penalties can he expect? You will find out all from the following article. Check it out!
Allowance for work in harmful conditions
Do you work in a position where your health is at risk? Where there is a likelihood of occupational disease or an accident at work? Or are you the owner of a company where harmful factors are present? Read our article and find out what harmful working conditions mean and how they are regulated by law. We also give you the necessary information about the allowance for working in such an environment and the obligations incumbent on the employer. Check it out!
Health and safety regulations for remote working - what are the employer's obligations?
The amendment of the Labor Code with provisions on remote work is currently a hot topic. What are the employer's and employee's obligations, what happens in the event of an accident at work, and can the place of performance be inspected? Find the answers to these questions and even more information below. Check it out!
Mandatory health and safety equipment of the car
Fire extinguisher, triangle, first aid kit, vest - do these items belong to the mandatory equipment of a car? Or does Polish law say otherwise? From this article you will learn what every driver should carry, and what is only recommended. In addition, we remind you what penalties are imposed for non-compliance? Check it out!
Work clothing - what is the right amount? Everything you need to know
T-shirts, shirts, vests, sweatshirts, jackets, aprons, pants, overalls knee pads, belts and much more - these are examples of various items of workwear that are essential in some industries. We select it depending on the nature of the work we do, while it is advisable to buy from a store that focuses on the highest quality, first of all, of work clothing and footwear, but also of customer service. We have prepared a short guide that dissects the topic of workwear from A to Z.
What are the employer's health and safety responsibilities?
The Labor Code and implementing regulations oblige the employer to do many things within the framework of OSH, or occupational health and safety. What must he do, what things must he ensure, what must he keep in mind? We explain it all below!
The most important ISO standards in manufacturing companies
ISO standards, developed by the International Organization for Standardization, are the cornerstone of quality, safety and the best approach to business management in many industries today. Whether they are applied to a small service company or a large manufacturing plant, ISO standards can significantly increase the efficiency and competitiveness of a given company in the marketplace, while providing a basis for better internal organization, sustainable development and building a positive image based on real internationally recognized values. What are the most important ISO standards that can be implemented in manufacturing companies and what do they entail?
Where do you get your knowledge of current OSH developments?
Keeping abreast of the latest information and current changes in OSH regulations should be of interest not only to those directly involved in providing occupational safety training and instruction, but also to those responsible for implementing appropriate OSH policies internally. Many of the updates in the regulations relate to new technologies and work techniques in the industry that were not covered in previous versions of the standards or the Labor Code, and thus may be used in inappropriate, legally undefined ways. But where do you get your knowledge of current OSH developments?
Hierarchy on a construction site - who is responsible for worker safety?
Accidents at work occur extremely frequently on construction sites, making the construction industry one of the most dangerous in terms of health and safety. Conducting construction work of any kind involves relatively high risks - up to dozens of people die on construction sites every year because they failed to comply with applicable safety regulations or because the employer did not have adequate safeguards in place. Non-use or lack of personal protective equipment, lack of training or even ignoring clear OSH violations are problems that are not uncommon on construction sites. But who is responsible for them? On whom in the hierarchy on the construction site does the duty to see to the safety of workers fall?
Work safety in the warehouse
Safety in the workplace is one of the basic issues regulated by the Labor Code and intra-company health and safety regulations. Under the current regulations, it is the employer's responsibility to ensure proper working conditions in each position, and failure to do so can result in serious consequences. However, it is not difficult to see that each environment will require a slightly different approach to occupational health and safety. So how should you take care of occupational safety in the warehouse and distribution halls of all kinds?
Employee's health and safety responsibilities
The employer is obliged to provide employees with appropriate working conditions adapted to the applicable health and safety regulations and guaranteeing full safety during the proper performance of tasks at the workplace. However, the Labor Code specifies not only the employer's duties, but also those of the employee, who is obliged under the regulations to comply with the established rules of occupational safety and health. What are the employee's health and safety duties?
Obowiązki Pracodawcy w Zakresie BHP
Dowiedz się, jakie są obowiązki pracodawcy w kontekście BHP – od zapewnienia odpowiedniego szkolenia i wyposażenia, po utrzymanie środowiska pracy zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami.
Dodatki za Pracę w Szczególnych Warunkach
Poznaj zasady przyznawania dodatków za pracę w warunkach uciążliwych lub niebezpiecznych, które są integralną częścią systemu BHP.
Przepisy BHP
Zapoznaj się z przepisami dotyczącymi bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, które są niezbędne do zrozumienia i zastosowania w każdym miejscu pracy.
Normy i Bezpieczeństwo Pracy
Odkryj, jakie normy BHP obowiązują w różnych branżach i jak są one stosowane, by zapewnić maksymalne bezpieczeństwo pracownikom.