Protection from harmful agents requires wearing a mask that contains a filter - a hygienic mask alone can keep others from becoming infected, but it does not protect the wearer. Such a task is fulfilled by filtering respirators, which you will find in the Gabi health and safety store.
We have gathered in our store a wide selection of respirators that will work in various situations:
- protection of the respiratory tract against polluted air - for example, against smog
- protection of the respiratory tract during contact with potentially droplet-transmitted diseases
- protection when working in dust-polluted environments
Our respirators with filters are products prepared by respected manufacturers such as 3M, Delta Plus and Filter Service. By working with professional contractors and proven suppliers, we provide our customers with safe masks.
Convenience of wearing respirators
Filter cartridges and respirators made of synthetic materials will work well in a variety of conditions, and can be worn by both health care workers and people working with substances that can not enter the respiratory tract. Adjustable straps and snap-on attachment make filtering respirators a convenient and safe respiratory protection.
In addition, we recommend filtering respirators dedicated to health care workers - for the sake of protecting their health in the current situation, we have prepared a selection of respirators, effectively preventing the transmission of viruses and bacteria, transmitted by droplets. Filtering respirators for doctors and nurses, as well as other health care workers, are accessories designed to be worn for a long time - plates that allow a comfortable fit to the face and ensure tightness, convenient binding or fastening systems, easy storage - all this makes filtering respirators for health care workers can serve for a long time, providing high efficiency and comfort.
We also recommend:
Full-face mas ks | Anti-smog masks.