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Health and safety instructions

We put into the hands of our customers high quality OHS manuals, which are a mandatory part of equipment of many production halls, workplaces, schools and even various public spaces. Each of our OHS manuals is made of PVC boards, making them exceptionally durable and resistant to damage. You are welcome.

What kind of health and safety instructions are waiting in our offer?

A very large part of our online store are the so-called occupational health and safety instructions, thanks to which the work at a given position becomes not only simpler, but above all - safer. On such instructions you will find all the specific information for a given place, as well as solutions for how to act in certain situations. In addition to position instructions, we also offer more classic ones. A general health and safety instruction includes all the most important aspects of the job in question. On such an instruction you can find, among other things, information on how to act in case of an accident or emergency situations that may arise during work.

Why should you bet on our health and safety manuals?

The occupational safety and health manuals that await in this category, whether more general or specific, are products that have been created in accordance with current standards and regulations on general occupational safety and health regulations. It is certainly worth emphasizing the fact that the presence of such instructions is mandatory in both smaller and larger workplaces, so they should not be abandoned. The presence of general and specific instructions has an impact on the safety of employees who are in the space and work in the selected position. There are even special first aid instructions waiting in this category.

Check out the health and safety manuals waiting in our offer and bet on the copies that will be the right solution for the given employee space. Feel free to place an order.

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