Multibranch Enterprise "ART. MAS" Sp.k.
Direct importer of a wide assortment of protective gloves and articles of labor protection from Asian countries.
Manufacturer of protective gloves , full assortment of leather protection for welders , and tarpaulin protection.
More than 20 years of experience in glove manufacturing and thorough knowledge of tanning processes.
Recognized and very good quality
At the lowest price in the country - among domestic products
With CE CAT 2 certification
To meet the needs of the market, since 2001 the company "ART. MAS" has expanded its offer to a full range of protective gloves on the basis of direct imports from Asian countries.
A compendium of knowledge, production and import capabilities allows the company to implement not only orders for the typical range of gloves
On offer:
- Gloves
- Clothing
- Leather protection for welders
- Rubber and leather footwear